Adam Stultz at Taneytown Dance Center

Miss Kim - Owner and Directrice of Taneytown Dance Center

Working with Kimberly McCord Golliday (a.k.a. Miss Kim)

of the Taneytown Dance Center was an absolute treat.  She put her upmost trust in us to capture the vision she wanted to portray for her dance studio.  Executed with a fog machine and just one light, the mood is just right. Kelly Heck of Kelly Heck Photography and Adam Stultz of Digital Consulting LLC, captured Miss Kim in her natural setting of dance.

We of course must also thank the owners of George's On York Bed & Breakfast for letting us use the fog machine in the first place.  Without it, the shoot just wouldn't have been the same. A shoot where Miss Kim truly shared her soul and love of dance with us and paved the way for one outstanding video.

Miss Kim

This shoot actually ending up spanning across two evenings.

One of the evenings we did the interview portion of Miss Kim's video and the other is the dance and fog machine portion you see laid over top of her interview.  Miss Kim did wonderful staying calm and relaxed in front of the camera.  Everyone, even the most experienced people get a little nervous in front of the camera.

3 Amigos

But Miss Kim handled it like a pro delivering the beautiful soundbites you hear in her video.

There is a lot you don't get to hear unfortunately, like her talking about her favorite dance school, or her tragic injury and heroic comeback.  But if you want to hear that stuff, you might as well sign up for a class and get to know Miss Kim for yourself, we can guarantee you're going to like her... Everyone does.

"Let's see what we've got!"

The night ended with smiles and cheers and one exhausted Miss Kim.

Poor thing, we asked her to dance A LOT!  In the end though, we ended up with some beautiful footage.  The fog machine really made each shot magical and gave it just the right amount of mystery and warmth.  In the image above, you can see me sharing with Miss Kim what all her hard work had brought us.  We really hope you enjoyed her video, because we know we really enjoyed creating this little video marketing campaign for her and her studio.